Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Traditional Clothing and Jewels

All Indian women wear beautiful long draping gowns and many jewels, and diamonds. Here are two young gypsy girls I spent a week with to learn about thier culture. These 18-20 year old girls travel around on a camel cart from village to village and make henna tattoo's by day and dance in local restaurants by night. They bring in the money for the entire group they travel with. The 4 gypsy girls, and 2 young males who play music, take care of the 5-6 children and the three elders.

In this culture the average life expetancy would be around 40 years old. They live out of the village, in the desert with no shelter except a three foot high grass made fence around an baren area of sand 10-15 ft. in diameter. Posted by Picasa

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