Friday, February 20, 2004

Udiapur, India

Udiapur, India is the place where the James Bond movie "Octupussy" was filmed. Here I stayed at a fancy expensive hotel overlooking the beautiful lake where the floating hotel is located. A very expensive hotel here was 1350 Rupies, approx. $50 Can. Dollars. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Sunset in Johdpur, India

Amazing sunset's throughout India provide you images that are unforgettable. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 13, 2004

Ganges River, Varanaci, India

This place was the most spriritual place I have ever encoutered. I found myself crying a few times because of the culture shock.

This is the Ganges river. Here people come from all over the country to bath in this holy water. Beleive me it doesn't smell or look that holy. On the riverside there are 4-5 Ghats, where families burn bodies of their decessed, and then throw the pelvis of the female and the ribs of the male back into the river. Their belief here is in reincarnation, and this is the sacrafice. Posted by Picasa